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The Business Opportunity

The Herbalife business opportunity has several advantages to take into account:

  • Entering cost is low.
  • You do not need any kind of background in order to become a member.
  • As a member, you would be entitled to a starting discount of 25% on your purchases (this discount could go up to 50% under certain terms).
  • As a member, you would be entitled to sell products to others and make a profit.
  • As a member, you do not need to purchase a monthly minimum amount of product in order to keep your membership.
  • As a member, you do not have to sell products if you do not want to. you can be a member for personal use only.
  • As a member, you purchase the products directly from Herbalife Nutrition.
  • You are never alone – you have a group of people including your Herbalife Nutrition sponsor to guide you, support you and teach you the business step by step.

Many become members in order to try and gain an additional income.

Some decide to make the Herbalife Nutrition business their main and sole business.

It is up to you to decide how much you would like to invest in your Herbalife business, how many hours per day/week/month, how much energy, how much focus.

Do not be mistaken, it is not easy money and it is not easy to develop and build the business.

Having said that, if you are focused, if you are determined, if you are persistent, if you are willing to work (and sometimes work hard) there is a good chance you would make it happen.

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